Melinda “Mindy” Fountain,a native Hoosier, is a dedicated public servant, educator, and community builder. Currently a staff member at the Keough School of Global Affairs at the University of Notre Dame, Ms. Fountain’s career includes over a decade in the United States Foreign Service as a diplomat and two years in Indiana University’s Office of Overseas Study. Ms. Fountain is an elected member of the Clay Township (St. Joseph County) Board, a Democratic Precinct Chairperson, a member of a local advocacy group for expanding public bike and walking paths, and the president of her children’s school’s parent-teacher organization. Ms. Fountain earned her undergraduate degree in Political Science from the University of Rochester in Rochester, New York and her master’s degree in European Studies from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. She is currently earning a master’s in nonprofit administration at Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. Mindy and her family live in Granger, Indiana.
Melinda Fountain