Hoosier Women Forward

Hoosier Women Forward is a political and civic leadership training program designed to empower Democratic women to become more active participants in politics and leaders in their communities.

Hoosier Women Forward Merch Store

Now Open!

Show your support for Hoosier Women Forward with our new merch store featuring shirts, hats, mugs, and stickers!   

HWF Annual Luncheon

Save the date for Hoosier Women Forward’s 2025 Annual Luncheon on Wednesday, September 17th at the Indiana Roof Ballroom in Downtown Indianapolis. Doors open at 10:45am and the luncheon will run from 11:30am – 1:00pm. 

For sponsorship opportunities, email info@hoosierwomenforward.org

Welcome Class 7!


Hoosier Women Forward is proud to announce its seventh class of outstanding Democratic women leaders. Learn more about them on the Meet Our Classes page! 

Workplace Safety & Accountability


As a women’s leadership organization that prepares and then sends leaders out into the political arena to do good work, it is imperative that our culture is one of safety and accountability.

Survivors of sexual assault and trauma continue to share their stories, at great risk. We condemn this culture of abuse and call on such allegations to be fully investigated.

We believe that every workplace should have proper procedures in place to ensure confidential and independent reporting. These procedures should also include an investigative and enforcement process that ensures those found guilty are held accountable.  

While women represent over 50% of the population, we are still very underrepresented in political leadership roles. This fact requires all of us to be intentional in building and maintaining power structures that are inclusive, safe and equally available to all.


Each year a group of twenty outstanding Democratic women will be selected to participate in a nine-month leadership training program. Applications will be available in May and the program class will be announced in August.


Do you know an exceptional Democratic woman who would be great for our program? We’d love to meet her. Contact us today. Help us spread the word in any way you can: social media, email, or in-person. We appreciate your support in helping us find our next class of Hoosier women!


Hoosier Women Forward relies on the generosity of our supporters. To deliver the best program possible, we need your help. Please help us move Hoosier Women Forward by contributing today. Thanks for supporting the future of women in Indiana.

About HWF

Become a leader

Hoosier Women Forward is a political and civic leadership training program designed to empower Democratic women to become more active participants in politics and leaders in their communities.

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2 weeks ago

Hoosier Women Forward
Hoosier Women Forward celebrates International Women’s Day by honoring our class members, alumnae, board members, and every woman across Indiana who is working to create positive change in our state. ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Hoosier Women Forward
As we reflect on Women’s History Month this March, we ask the same question posed by this column from Laura Merrifield Wilson in the Indiana Capital Chronicle: Where are all the women? Hoosier Women Forward is committed to training and empowering women leaders across the state. Join us by visiting our website to sign up for our newsletter, following us on social media, and sharing with your networks. Check out the Indiana Capital Chronicle op-ed here: indianacapitalchronicle.com/2025/02/24/where-are-all-the-women/?emci=a45084c8-2df2-ef11-90cb-0022... ... See MoreSee Less
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Meet Our Alumnae

Each year, a group of outstanding Democratic women will be selected through a competitive application process to participate in a nine-month leadership training program. Applications go live each year in May and we accept no more than 24 women.

Have Questions?

You can use the information on our contact page to get in touch with the Hoosier Women Forward team. We look forward to hearing from you.

Hoosier Women Forward News

Hoosier Women Forward Announces Class Seven

Hoosier Women Forward Announces Class Seven Indianapolis, Ind. — Hoosier Women Forward is excited to announce our Class Seven participants. Each year, Hoosier Women Forward (HWF) selects a diverse group to participate in a political and civic leadership training...

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Hoosier Women Forward has introduced me to inspiring women leaders making tremendous impacts in communities around the state. These women challenge and encourage me as we expand our professional and personal spheres of influence.
— Stephanie C.